


Phone:                        250-427-7151

( – old email address)

11 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Sir I don’t know your involvement in putting this great Music night together and I refer to the Saturday 03-Aug -2013 the FISHTANK opened Air “free” Unique style.. I wish to thank you so much for another great entertainment night in this great town town of Kimberley.
    //Signed// Lou & friends.

    • Hi, I can’t take any credit for this great performance. I put the word out there to try and attract an audience. The credit must go to the nameless souls in the Kimberley First Saturday Committee.

    • Hi,
      Here is my direct email address
      It is a little tricky to get right. “parahaki” is the name of ancient Maori fortification outside Whangerai in New Zealand. We lived there for a year in the early 80s.
      The photos in the teaser look good and the festival looks like it will be a winner. If you are talking to Kevin Crawford ask him if he needs me to send him some Canadian care packages of Tim Hortons donuts.
      Have fun and enjoy the music.

      Rod Wilson

  2. Hi Rod

    So nice to see you in Cranbrook for our “Get Back to the Groove” show on June 20.

    Thank you very much for the CD. What a great collection of music. I always loved Bud Shanks playing.

    Cheers, Doug

  3. Hello Rod,

    Thank you for coming out to the Lester McLean and Melody Diachun shows this summer. It’s always nice to see you there and chat, albeit usually a little rushed.
    Thank you as well for your kind words in your blog. I’m glad you enjoyed the shows.
    Also, I particularly like the “cover” photo for the article. I would love a copy or access to it if it is available.
    Thanks again Rod !

  4. Good morning Mr Rod Wilson,
    I already sent you a mail (not sure you’ve received it) regarding an interview we would ask you to give for a documentary on the Falkland’s war…
    The film would be for ARTE channel in France. Do you think this would be possible?
    Thank you
    Kind Regards

  5. It looks like you have a couple spelling errors on your website such as the word “Phillipines”. Check out a service like to help. We’ve used it in the past and liked it.

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